You're welcome.
My issue this week? What the hell is it with people who capitalize random letters in their FB posts? LiKe thiS? Is it sOMe sEcREt CodE? Do they do that in their other writing, like love letters or office memos or suicide notes?
AttenTIOn SUrgiCAl StaFF:I'm sure nobody who reads this blog does that, because there is NO REASON FOR IT. And as improv teachers will tell you time and time again, if you can't justify something, you shouldn't do it. Period.
THerE wiLl be a MAndATorY SCalpeL insPECtiOn at NOon TomORRow.
SmOOcheS, nURse MisSY
So please. StOp the MadNEss.
By Sonnjea Blackwell