
Friday, September 28, 2012

Yep, You Had to Be There

My brain is toast. It's been a long week of thinking and working hard, and I'm all epiphanied out. So instead of nuggets of improv-y wisdom, today I'll just leave you with some highlights of stuff that happened in various classes this week:

Tracy: I can't eat pork, it's Yom Kippur!
Leon: So? We've been out of Jewish for 10 years.

Antonio: It's against regulations to share personal information. Zodiac stuff is ok.

Kevin: This ain't for sale.

Emily: I showed my friends. They said it's just a rash.

Michelle: Call 1-800-555-Eat-Poison.

Richard: Do it!!

Aimee: I don't have fancy cocktails glasses.
Barbi: Well, what kind do you have?
Aimee: I have sippy cups.

Suzanne: I'm Detroit. I will fuck you up.

I know. You had to be there. But thinking about the scenes those lines came from still makes me giggle. I guess you'll have to take my word for it. Or you could sign up for an improv class of your own and see what all the giggling is about. New classes start in October!

By Sonnjea Blackwell