My homegirl Kendra and I were talking about
improv pet peeves the other day, and it occurred to me to share that information with you concerned readers out there. So, in no particular order, and with no particular explanation, here are 10 things that may bug hypothetical scene partners (yours or someone else's.) [Note: I am sick, so if this is dumb and/or pointless, please just give me credit for trying. Thank you in advance.]
- Forcing an agenda
- Going for the joke
- Not listening
- Puppets
- Denial
- Stage whoriness in long form
- Asking questions
- Assuming your partner knows what is in your head
- Bailing
- Throwing your scene partner under the bus in any way in order to get yourself a laugh
Right, let's not dredge that whole puppet thing up again, mmmmkay? I think the rest are self-explanatory. If not, ask me to clarify and as soon as my head clears up I'll elaborate.
In the meantime, the
H2G Friday Company is performing this Friday night for the
very last time in 2012. Check 'em out at The Wine Down Lounge, 210 E. Ocean in the LBC at 8 p.m.
Sonnjea Blackwell