But any kind of pre-planning beyond that is bad. According to the interwebs, which are never wrong,
improvise [ˈɪmprəˌvaɪz]The heart of improvisation is that it happens without previous planning. Which means you cannot have an agenda. You can have an idea... but you can't be committed to your idea (it's the one thing in improv you don't want to commit to). You still have to listen to your scene partner(s) and let the group idea emerge. You can't insist, "I'm going to be his wife, and I'm going to be making stew for dinner." You can't insist, "I'm an astronaut and she's an alien and I'm going to kidnap her." You can't insist anything if you want your scene to work.
1. to perform or make quickly from materials and sources available, without previous planning
2. to perform (a poem, play, piece of music, etc.), composing as one goes along
Agendas are hard to let go of sometimes. Of course, we like our ideas. And why not? We have awesome ideas! But when you are married to your idea, you choke out the literally infinite number of other possibilities that could emerge over the course of your scene. When you force that agenda, your scene will strangle and drag you (and everyone else) down with it. If you don't want to get dragged, LET GO. You don't know everything; I don't know everything. But consider the possibility that when we come together and let go of our pre-conceived notions, what results is greater than the sum of its parts.
It's easier said than done, I know. But to be perfectly honest, if you are driving any kind of agenda, you aren't really doing improv. You're acting in a play in which only you have the script. That's not just a bad play, it's downright unsportsmanlike.
By Sonnjea Blackwell