
Monday, April 30, 2012

Improv: Funny, Brilliant and Magical

Saturday night, we had our best improv comedy show to date. You might even say it was the best improv show ever. Or you might not. Your call.

Anyhoo. We all got some very nice comments and compliments after the show, and we appreciate every one of those wonderful comments. I don't know about you, but I never get tired of hearing adjectives like funny, brilliant and magical. Still, my favorite compliments are the ones that start with, "You guys were..." You know. Plural.

Naturally, I want to be the best I can be in any improv show. Trust me, I'm not above needing ego gratification, so I really want Darren to notice when I make a big breakthrough or do something we were all beginning to think I'd never be able to do. I mean cuz he's the boss and all.

But as far as the audience goes, I just want people to think the scene was funny, brilliant and magical. Part of doing awesome improv is everyone doing the best they can to make everyone look good. The audience shouldn't be able to pinpoint who made a scene funny, brilliant or magical, because the players should all work together seamlessly to build a scene and layer information and give each other labels and make any so-called "mistakes" into improv gold.

I get that everybody in the audience has their own personal preferences when it comes to comedy, and some people prefer big characters while others prefer witty information, etc. But when improv works, the audience should feel like the scene couldn't have succeeded without each of those parts working together as one.

That's what we did Saturday night, and I am so proud of us! If you missed out, no worries. The H2G Friday Company has a show this Friday night: Menos Uno at First Fridays Bixby Knolls. So you have another chance to experience funny, brilliant and magical!

You're welcome.

By Sonnjea Blackwell