
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

3 Levels of Funny

Last night was the first class of a new Improv Comedy Level 1 class brought to you by the nice folks at Held2gether. What? Darren's very nice. I'm frequently nice. Anyway, one of the things I tell people the first night is to let go of any preconceived notions about the need to be funny, or worry about not being funny, or trying to prove how funny they really are. Because believe it or not, improv class is not about being funny.

I have a theory on funny, in case you wondered. I'm sure you didn't, because by now you realize I have a theory on nearly everything. You also realize I'm inclined to share my theories. Because that's how I roll.

My theory is this: There are three levels of funny or sense of humor. Like the 5 stages of grief only, you know, completely different. The first level is Funny People. These are people with a sense of humor and an ability to see and share humor with others, who can generally make others laugh. I'm not implying this is the best level - some funny people are obnoxious and always have to be "on" and never take anything seriously, ever, at all. So please understand I'm not judging. I save my judgeyness for puppets. Of course, some funny people are funny in a totally not-obnoxious way, and you want to be around them 24/7 because they make you laugh - at yourself, at them, at the world in general.

The second level is Funny Appreciators. These people are not generally funny themselves, but they do appreciate the humor others create and they are as willing as anybody to have a good laugh. Not everyone who loves to read is a great writer; similarly, not everyone who loves to laugh can create humor themselves. Some can create humor and just choose not to for whatever reason. Maybe their always "on" friend drives them crazy, and they are determined not to be that guy so they don't try to be funny themselves. I dunno. It's just a theory, peeps. It's not like I've done studies. In any event, Funny Appreciators are awesome people to have around, in life and in an audience.

The third level is Funny Deficient. These people wouldn't know funny if it bit them on the ass. I get that we all have a different sense of WHAT is funny, and Dumb and Dumber ain't it for me. But if NOTHING falls into the category of funny, and a person is the exact opposite of the always "on" guy, that person is devoid of a sense of humor. I know people like this, though not intentionally.

My point, however, is that anyone can learn to do improv. My guess is that Funny Deficient people wouldn't be drawn to an improv class, and I've never encountered such a person in any class so far. But I believe they can still learn improv, because there are specific rules to improv that create a structure in which funny shit just happens. And once they learn to play by the rules, and experience funny firsthand, and discover the joy of making people laugh, I think the Funny Deficient People can graduate to Funny Appreciators and even Funny People.

So if you know any Funny Deficient people, give them a gift certificate for an H2G improv class and test my theory. It can't hurt.

By Sonnjea Blackwell