
Friday, June 1, 2012

Improv and Sex

What? I've been writing this blog for a couple years now... I can't believe it's taken this long to get around to this topic. After all, improv is for life, and last I checked, sex is part of life. So there must be some connection, yes?

I heard a theory some time back that hypothesizes that people who do improv have better sex. As far as I know, there have been no double-blind studies that either prove or disprove this theory, although now that I've put this out there, I'm sure many people will volunteer for such a study.

Anyway, I thought about the theory and concluded that there are definitely skills learned in improv that could help in the bedroom.
  1. First of all, just being in the moment would be good, rather than worrying about... well, whatever it is people worry about: maybe not looking as good as they'd like, or if they remembered to turn off the oven, or if the boss is going to give Janie the promotion instead of them.
  2. Listening, duh.
  3. Committing and making bold choices - wait! I'm not done. I don't mean making bold choices in terms of being weird and creepy; I just mean being confident. According to Cosmo (what? there was nothing else in the waiting room), people don't like people who are wishy-washy in bed. So, you know, commitment is good.
Improv classes improve those skills, and they carry over into real life. So it stands to reason, the more improv classes you take, the better you'll become at skills that apply in all areas of your life - including sex.

I, of course, take a lot of improv classes. I know, now it sounds like I'm bragging. Unfortunately, however, my forté in improv happens to be information and labeling.

No matter how I spin it (and, being the Queen of Information, I can spin it plenty of ways), I can't for the life of me find a way that spewing tons of information and labeling everything and everyone can in any way make you better in bed.

Now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure this theory is flawed. I'm just sayin'.

By Sonnjea Blackwell