
Monday, May 9, 2011

We Have Friends! No, Really!

By Sonnjea Blackwell

It's time to unveil the newest addition to the Held2gether website, the section devoted to our friends.

Okay, before you get your knickers in a twist over the fact that you aren't included on our H2G Friends & Partners page, let me explain that our "friends" are actually not humans for the most part. That's not to say we have no human friends. We do. It's just that on the Friends page, we have included primarily organizations... which are actually collections of humans all smushed together under one name, if you think about it. So I suppose technically our friends are human after all.

If you ARE one of our friends (or a human contained within the umbrella of an organization that is one of our friends), YAY! Thanks for being our friend. We really appreciate it. Improv is totally a team sport, and we can't get by without you!

Anyway. The page isn't complete - we'll be adding more friends continually - but it's a decent start. And all of the pretty little pictures are links to our friends' websites. Please click on them!