
Friday, June 17, 2011

Go Ahead and Bug Me!

By Sonnjea Blackwell

Um, sorry for the lack of posting today. I had to get up at 5:15 and do some stuff, take the BFF/Fearless Leader to the airport, work out with Evil Trainer and drink the afternoon away with Someone Else.

That doesn't mean there were no improv-y thoughts going on in my noggin. There were. But nothing profound is coming to me at the moment, so I'm just gonna share a short thought I learned in class this week: Evidently it's extremely rewarding and cathartic to create improv characters based on people who bug the crap out of you.

OMG, I suddenly have an entire posse of characters. And thank you to all the annoying people I've met in my life.

Anyway, I can see how taking on those characteristics and kind of mocking them would be sort of a getting-the-last-laugh kind of scenario. And, from a kinder, more Buddhist perspective, playing those people who annoy the living hell out of you can give you a new look into what makes them the way they are and will help you have more compassion for them.

Anytime I can mock someone AND feel like I'm being a good person, I'm a happy girl.