
Monday, June 20, 2011

Held2gether Happenings!

By Sonnjea Blackwell

So much happening... so few brain cells to process it all...

Okay, first things first. We've updated the H2G website and we think you'll approve. And in the next few weeks, we'll be adding pages with more details about our group offerings - corporate workshops, lunch-time stress reducers and H2G parties at your place! If you want one of those awesome things in the meantime, just email us and we'll get you all the deets.

OMG! We finally have video of the last Hot Java show, way back in April! Trust me, it was worth the wait. We'll be posting a video every day at our FB page... but if you're really impatient, you can go right to the source and see a bunch of 'em right now on our YouTube page. (And yes, my shirt does say "Praise the Lard.")

Pretty funny, eh? Well, seeing video isn't as awesome as seeing it live, so come out this Saturday night, peeps! June 25th, 8:00 pm at Hot Java - we're ba-aaack! Need details? Check out the Last Laugh Saturday page!

Can't wait to see you all at Hot Java!