
Thursday, June 2, 2011

Wait Till Your Father Gets Home

By Sonnjea Blackwell

I wrote a holiday blog, then took two days off - sorry! I blame a) the sinus infection, b) the pile of work on my desk, c) the unicorns, or d) all of the above. Choose an answer that makes you happy and I'm happy to go with it. Thanks.

Anyway. Tomorrow night is Held2gether Presents: Wait Till Your Father Gets Home at Elise's Tea Room for First Fridays Long Beach. You don't want to miss this one, where a bunch of H2G students show off for the crowd. It's free! There are scones! And tea! And a strange man in a superhero costume usually drops by!

If grownups in capes isn't enough of a temptation for you, how about this: we're doing some new stuff, along with your favorites! And the cast - Antonio, Leon, Barney & Natalie, Lisa, Steven, Lorna - had an awesome rehearsal last night, where Antonio made me laugh so hard in a scene I had to sit down. Andy and I are playing, too. And, of course, as always the show is directed by Mr. Held2gether, Darren Held.

Stop by for proper tea and improper (but family-friendly) improv! Write some lines for Fishbowl, yell out some suggestions and come up and introduce yourself if you read this blog! We love our fans, you know!