
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Improv Lunch Parties!

By Sonnjea Blackwell

I've said it before and I'll say it again: a "job" is a concept with which I'm only peripherally acquainted.

Okay, okay. I used to have a real job. I was actually quite good at it, as a matter of fact. But I prefer working for myself, doing a little of this and a little of that, wearing PJs all day, having a 20-second commute, showering at 2 p.m. (if I feel doing it that early), winning all the office arguments and always having someone to give the sh*t jobs to.

Oh, right.

Anyway. Even someone with as cushy a gig as I have needs improv to keep my morale up. So all you incredible people who manage to go to an office or a factory or a funeral home or a baseball park or a hospital or a school or a fire station or wherever and deal with John Q. Public as well as all the office politics and cutbacks and coworkers' shenanigans... wow! you guys need improv a LOT!

Once again, Held2gether's got you covered! We do lunchtime stress reduction/morale boosting improv gigs at the office/factory/funeral home/baseball park/hospital/school/fire station/wherever to give you a break from the mundane and grease up those rusty laugh muscles. 30-minute options include Feed Me the Line, where you and your coworkers write lines of dialogue that a 3-person H2G troupe turns into a 30-minute long-form play; or Laughter Supplement, 30 minutes of improv games and exercises that you and the gang play to relieve stress and shake off the afternoon doldrums.

I'm embarrassed to admit that my office hasn't gotten the website updated to include the specifics of these awesome options yet; you can rest assured I'll have a talk with my employee about that. In the meantime, you can email Darren for more information.